TRE calling

Step I: Figure out the experimental design

We believe transcription start sites (TSSs) are very important in defining the boundaries of TREs. So the first task is to figure out where we can locate the TSSs in the sequenced libraries. For typical GRO-cap/PRO-cap/csRNA-seq/NET-CAGE libraries, TSSs are usually identical to the 5′ of the reads (single-end). For CoPRO (paired-end), TSSs are identical to the 5′ of read 2.

Just like other RNA-sequencing libraries, nascent transcript sequencing libraries may also contain:

  • UMI
  • Template-switching oligos
  • Other barcodes
The failure of trimming adapters and other non-genomic sequences from sequencing reads may lead to very low overall mapping rates and affect the downstream quantification. So please also check the details with the data producers or look into the corresponding papers. After you have answers to the above questions, we can move on to the next step.

Step II: Process raw reads

You can use a set of tools (like fastp, cutadapt) to trim adapters, UMIs, and any other added sequences.

Assume that you have a library back from the facility, which is

  • generated with Illumina Truseq Small RNA kit (RA3 adapter: TGGAATTCTCGGGTGCCAAGG)
  • sequenced in single-end manner
You can use fastp to process the reads like this:

fastp -i SampleA.fastq.gz \  # input fastq file
    -o SampleA.trimmed.fastq.gz \  # save the processed reads to this file
    --adapter_sequence=TGGAATTCTCGGGTGCCAAGG \  # no need to specify for paired-end lib
    -h report.html \  # save the report to this html file
    --low_complexity_filter \  # remove low-complexity reads
    -l 14 \  # only keep reads longer than 14 nt
    -w 16  # number of threads fastp can create
For single-end libraries, if you are not sure about the adapter sequences, you can try to run fastqc, and use the most abundant sequence in the Overrepresented sequences section or the adapters detected in the Adapter Content section.

Step III: Align processed reads to the reference genome

For aligning sequencing reads back to the reference genome (like hg38, hg19, mm10, etc.), we recommend using STAR. Below is a minimum example showing how you can use STAR to generate both the aligned BAM file and signal tracks for peak calling.

STAR --readFilesCommand zcat \  # set this switch if the reads are compressed by gzip
     --runThreadN 16 \  # number of max threads STAR can create
     --genomeDir ./refs/indexes/human/star_hg38 \  # path to the genome index
     --outFileNamePrefix SampleA_ \  # prefix for outputs
     --readFilesIn ./SampleA.trimmed.fastq.gz \  # reads to be mapped, if you have both read 1 and 2, separate them by a space
     --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate \  # output a coordinate-sorted bam

Most sequence aligners build indexes for the genome sequences ahead of time so when given random sequences, the aligners know effectively where are they on the genome. For STAR, you can build your own index with command like:

STAR --runThreadN 16 \  # the number of threads to be used for index generation
     --runMode genomeGenerate \
     --genomeDir /path/to/genomeDir \  # genome indices will be saved to this path
     --genomeFastaFiles /path/to/genome/fasta1 /path/to/genome/fasta2  # FASTA file(s) with the reference sequences

Or you can download prebuild indexes from the author's website or the ENCODE portal.

The file SampleA_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam will hold all the aligned reads.
STAR requires at least 16 GB memory and recommends 32 GB memory for mammal genomes. If your machine doesn't have enough memory, other aligners, like HISAT2 and bowtie2 can also be used.

Step IV: Export signal tracks

A common practice after getting the alignments is to visually check how the signal looks in genome browsers like IGV. To generate signal tracks for this purpose, you can use our pints_visualizer like:

pints_visualizer -b SampleA_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam \  # the input bam file
                 -e GROcap \  # reads are in the same direction as RNAs, and only report the 5′ end of reads in the output
                 --mapq-threshold 255 \  # only consider uniquely mapped reads
                 --chromosome-start-with chr \  # only reads mapped to contigs start with chr will be included
                 -o SampleA  # prefix for outputs

Two bigWig files and will be generated in the folder. You can load these files into IGV and see the distribution of signals genome-wide.

Alternatively, if you are using STAR to generate the alignment, you can add these options to your STAR command:

--outWigType wiggle read1_5p --outWigStrand Stranded --outWigNorm None --outWigReferencesPrefix chr
STAR will yield four files: SampleA_Signal.Unique.str1.out.wig, SampleA_Signal.Unique.str2.out.wig, SampleA_Signal.UniqueMultiple.str1.out.wig, and SampleA_Signal.UniqueMultiple.str2.out.wig. The first two files are strand-specific signals generated with uniquely mapped reads, which can be converted to bigWig format with wigToBigWig.
Step I: Get started

With the aligned BAM files and the information about the library layout, we can get started with TRE calling.

PINTS is a Python package and can be easily installed via pip (automatically installed with Python):

pip install pyPINTS

After installing PINTS, we can now move on to call peaks from BAM files:

pints_caller --bam-file SampleA_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam \
    --save-to . \  # TREs will be saved to the current dir
    --file-prefix SampleA \  # prefix for outputs
    --exp-type GROcap \  # PINTS will extract the 5′ of reads and treat them as TSS signals
    --thread 16  # Allow PINTS to create 16 threads concurrently

Currently, PINTS knows how to extract TSS information directly from these experiments (for --exp-type): GROcap (also for single-end PRO-cap libraries), CoPRO (also for paired-end PRO-cap libraries), csRNAseq, NETCAGE, CAGE, RAMPAGE, and STRIPEseq. If the assay you are working with is not listed or you are not using the default layout, you can tell PINTS where it can locate the TSS by specifying R_5, R1_5, R1_3, R2_5, or R2_3. If the reads represent the reverse complement of RNAs, you can add --reverse-complement to your command.

PINTS will generate four files in this case:

  • SampleA_1_bidirectional_peaks.bed: Bidirectional TREs (divergent + convergent)
  • SampleA_1_divergent_peaks.bed: Divergent TREs
  • SampleA_1_unidirectional_peaks.bed: Unidirectional TREs
  • peakcalling_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss.log: Log file

PINTS can also take bigwig files as input; in this case, simply replace

--bam-file SampleA_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam

--bw-pl --bw-mn

Step II: Extract candidate enhancers

We assume distal bidirectional transcripts are mainly from enhancer RNA transcription. To extract candidate enhancers from the pool of all TREs, we need a bed file that defines proximal TREs (promoters), then we can use bedtools to extract distal TREs as follows:

bedtools intersect -a SampleA_1_bidirectional_peaks.bed -b promoters.bed -v > SampleA_1_bidirectional_peaks.distalTREs.bed
We have prepared promoter reference bed files (500 bp regions flanking protein-coding transcripts) for human and mouse genomes: The files listed above may be directly applicable if you are working with these genomes.
For CAGE-like assays, it may be helpful to remove TREs that overlap with exons. Here are exon regions (except for the first exon/5' UTR) we extracted from GENCODE:
bedtools intersect -a SampleA_1_bidirectional_peaks.bed -b exons.bed -f 0.6 -v > SampleA_1_bidirectional_peaks.nonexon.bed

We prepared some examples about preparing signal tracks for other commonly used tools in our GitHub repo. If your favourite tool is not included, please let us know by either create a new pull request in the repo or leave a message at the end of this page.

Step I: Get raw sequencing data
The raw sequencing file is available on the ENCODE portal, and you can use wget or curl to download it:

Step II: Trim adapters
fastp -i ENCFF028THC.fastq.gz \
    --adapter_sequence=TGGAATTCTCGGGTGCCAAGG \
    -o ENCFF028THC.trimmed.fastq.gz \
    -l 14 \   # only keep reads longer than 14nts after trimming
    # This library was polyadenylated, 
    # so we are trimming the last 20nts per reads (with --trim_tail1). 
    # For more recent single-end PRO/GRO-cap libraries, this may not be necessary. 
    --trim_tail1 20 \
    --low_complexity_filter \
    -w 8   # use 8 threads

Step III: Alignment
# mapping
STAR --readFilesCommand zcat --runThreadN 8 \
     --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate \
     --genomeDir ~/refs/indexes/human/star_hg38 \
     --outFileNamePrefix GROcap_hg38_ \
     --readFilesIn ENCFF028THC.trimmed.fastq.gz \
     --outSAMmultNmax 1 \
     --outFilterMultimapNmax 50 \
     --alignIntronMax 1000
# get uniquely mapped reads
samtools view -hb -q 255 -o GROcap_hg38.uniq.bam GROcap_hg38_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam

Step IV: Visualize TSS signals
pints_visualizer -b GROcap_hg38.uniq.bam \
    -e GROcap \
    --mapq-threshold 255 \
    --chromosome-start-with chr \
    -o GROcap_hg38 \
    --filters U13369 chrM EBV

Step V: TRE calling
pints_caller --bw-pl \
    --bw-mn \
    --file-prefix GROcap_hg38 \
    --thread 8
You can also use the bam file as the input:
pints_caller --bam-file GROcap_hg38.uniq.bam \
    --exp-type GROcap \
    --file-prefix GROcap_hg38 \
    --filters U13369 chrM EBV \
    --thread 8
Lastly, we use bedtools to retrieve distal TREs as enhancer candidates.
bedtools intersect -a GROcap_hg38_1_bidirectional_peaks.bed \
    -b promoters_1kb_tss_centered.bed -v > \
In this case, we are going to analyze paired-end PRO-cap libraries for the human Caco-2 cell line. Two replicates are available here.
For paired-end PRO-cap libraries from the Lis lab or Yu lab, they are usually generated:
  • with VRA3 and VRA5 RNA adaptors (not RA3 and RA5).
  • with UMIs (6nts) at the beginning of both reads
We refer to these PRO-cap libraries as CoPRO libraries.
Step I: Get raw sequencing data
The raw sequencing files are available on the ENCODE portal, and you can use wget or curl to download them:
# rep 1 read 1
# rep 1 read 2
# rep 2 read 1
# rep 2 read 2

Step II: Trim adapters
fastp -i ENCFF594DTA.fastq.gz -I ENCFF669OMY.fastq.gz \
    -o caco2_rep1.1.fq.gz -O caco2_rep1.2.fq.gz \
    -h caco2_rep1.html -j caco2_rep1.json \
    --umi --umi_len=6 --umi_loc=per_read \
    -g --low_complexity_filter \
    -w 8 -c --overlap_len_require 18 --low_complexity_filter -l 18
fastp -i ENCFF039OZP.fastq.gz -I ENCFF900WVT.fastq.gz \
    -o caco2_rep2.1.fq.gz -O caco2_rep2.2.fq.gz \
    -h caco2_rep2.html -j caco2_rep2.json \
    --umi --umi_len=6 --umi_loc=per_read \
    -g --low_complexity_filter \
    -w 8 -c --overlap_len_require 18 --low_complexity_filter -l 18

Step III: Alignment
STAR --readFilesCommand zcat --runThreadN 8 \
    --alignMatesGapMax 1000 --alignIntronMax 1000 \
    --outFilterMultimapNmax 10 \
    --outFilterMismatchNmax 1 \
    --outFilterMultimapScoreRange 0 \
    --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate \
    --genomeDir ~/refs/indexes/human/star_hg38 \
    --outFileNamePrefix caco2_rep1_ \
    --readFilesIn caco2_rep1.1.fq.gz caco2_rep1.2.fq.gz

STAR --readFilesCommand zcat --runThreadN 8 \
    --alignMatesGapMax 1000 --alignIntronMax 1000 \
    --outFilterMultimapNmax 10 \
    --outFilterMismatchNmax 1 \
    --outFilterMultimapScoreRange 0 \
    --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate \
    --genomeDir ~/refs/indexes/human/star_hg38 \
    --outFileNamePrefix caco2_rep2_ \
    --readFilesIn caco2_rep2.1.fq.gz caco2_rep2.2.fq.gz

Step IV: Remove PCR duplicates and merge replicates
# get uniquely mapped reads
samtools view -hb -q 255 -o caco2_rep1_with_dup.bam caco2_rep1_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam
samtools view -hb -q 255 -o caco2_rep2_with_dup.bam caco2_rep2_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam
# generate indices for BAM files
samtools index caco2_rep1_with_dup.bam
samtools index caco2_rep2_with_dup.bam
# remove PCR duplicates
umi_tools dedup \
    --unpaired-reads=discard \
    --umi-separator=: --paired \
    -I caco2_rep1_with_dup.bam \
    --output-stats=caco2_rep1 \
    -S caco2_rep1.bam
umi_tools dedup \
    --unpaired-reads=discard \
    --umi-separator=: --paired \
    -I caco2_rep2_with_dup.bam \
    --output-stats=caco2_rep2 \
    -S caco2_rep2.bam
# merge replicates
samtools merge -fh caco2_rep1.bam caco2_merged.bam caco2_rep1.bam caco2_rep2.bam

Step V: Visualize TSS signals
pints_visualizer -b caco2_merged.bam \
    -e CoPRO \
    --mapq-threshold 255 \
    --chromosome-start-with chr \
    -o caco2_merged_hg38 \
    --filters U13369 chrM EBV
The 3′ ends of the RNA molecules may also be captured in these paired-end libraries. So besides the above command for extracting TSSs, you can use the following command to extract pausing sites.
pints_visualizer -b caco2_merged.bam \
    -e R1_5 -r \
    --mapq-threshold 255 \
    --chromosome-start-with chr \
    -o caco2_merged_hg38_3p \
    --filters U13369 chrM EBV

Step VI: TRE calling
pints_caller --bw-pl \
    --bw-mn \
    --file-prefix caco2_merged \
    --thread 8
You can also use the bam file as the input:
pints_caller --bam-file caco2_merged.bam \
    --exp-type CoPRO \
    --file-prefix caco2_merged \
    --filters U13369 chrM EBV \
    --thread 8
# get enhancer candidates
bedtools intersect -a caco2_merged_1_bidirectional_peaks.bed \
    -b promoters_1kb_tss_centered.bed -v > \

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