
H9(Human) | 16978 records |

Coordinate Validation Epigenomic status Core promoter element(s) Mutation TF registry
chr1:53238464-53238749 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:2; Rare:98
chr1:53326875-53327754 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:12; Rare:264
chr1:53327987-53328245 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:66
chr1:53838209-53838690 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Rare:147
chr1:53889771-53890004 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:2; Rare:69
chr1:53945825-53946085 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:4; Rare:68
chr1:53946251-53946430 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Rare:68
chr1:54052709-54052830 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:22
chr1:54053193-54053332 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Rare:45
chr1:54053410-54053707 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:5; Rare:90
chr1:54172570-54172970 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:5; Rare:97
chr1:54199933-54200228 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Rare:71
chr1:54406383-54406574 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:3; Rare:81
chr1:54406877-54407037 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Rare:68
chr1:54541990-54542530 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:6; Rare:142
  • Legend for epigenomic status:
  • K27ac K4me3 CTCF : Enriched for H3K27ac and DNaseI signal
  • K27ac K4me3 CTCF : Enriched for H3K4me3 and DNaseI signal
  • K27ac K4me3 CTCF : Enriched for CTCF binding signal
  • Legend for core promoter element:
  • I DPR TATA I DPR TATA : Found Initiator
  • I DPR TATA I DPR TATA : Enriched TATA box