
tongue(Human) | 9540 records |

Coordinate Validation Epigenomic status Core promoter element(s) Mutation TF registry
chr1:925600-925753 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:44
chr1:959244-959483 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:114
chr1:966420-966518 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:45
chr1:1273797-1274055 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:97
chr1:1308482-1308658 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:8; Rare:96
chr1:1324586-1324976 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:3; Rare:173
chr1:1375136-1375565 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:6; Rare:117
chr1:1399229-1399610 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:182
chr1:1407150-1407377 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:104
chr1:1471673-1471785 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:45
chr1:1511923-1512168 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:94
chr1:1574521-1574963 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:199
chr1:1615300-1615546 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:3; Rare:110
chr1:1615757-1616023 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:79
chr1:1658913-1659301 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:6; Rare:155
  • Legend for epigenomic status:
  • K27ac K4me3 CTCF : Enriched for H3K27ac and DNaseI signal
  • K27ac K4me3 CTCF : Enriched for H3K4me3 and DNaseI signal
  • K27ac K4me3 CTCF : Enriched for CTCF binding signal
  • Legend for core promoter element:
  • I DPR TATA I DPR TATA : Found Initiator
  • I DPR TATA I DPR TATA : Enriched TATA box