
kidney epithelial cell(Human) | 5679 records |

Coordinate Validation Epigenomic status Core promoter element(s) Mutation TF registry
chr17:6444167-6444455 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:2; Rare:86
chr17:6640646-6641089 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:7; Rare:138
chr17:6651558-6651774 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:76
chr17:7012315-7012686 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Rare:128
chr17:7219828-7219938 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:3; Rare:51; Clinvar:5; Clinvar (benign):1
chr17:7241601-7241934 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:2; Rare:72
chr17:7242239-7242564 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:104
chr17:7251967-7252313 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:133
chr17:7262405-7262615 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Rare:46
chr17:7315042-7315437 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:4; Rare:141
chr17:7352068-7352202 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Rare:44
chr17:7484222-7484378 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:65
chr17:7558111-7558309 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:34
chr17:7583751-7583865 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:54; Clinvar:1; Clinvar (benign):3; Clinvar (pathogenic):1
chr17:7584074-7584113 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Rare:8
  • Legend for epigenomic status:
  • K27ac K4me3 CTCF : Enriched for H3K27ac and DNaseI signal
  • K27ac K4me3 CTCF : Enriched for H3K4me3 and DNaseI signal
  • K27ac K4me3 CTCF : Enriched for CTCF binding signal
  • Legend for core promoter element:
  • I DPR TATA I DPR TATA : Found Initiator
  • I DPR TATA I DPR TATA : Enriched TATA box