
ovary(Human) | 1439 records |

Coordinate Validation Epigenomic status Core promoter element(s) Mutation TF registry
chr11:32437674-32437996 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:5; Rare:88
chr11:43920255-43920453 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:2; Rare:38
chr11:43920634-43920697 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:10
chr11:43920872-43921142 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:2; Rare:39
chr11:43943214-43943584 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:3; Rare:129
chr11:57778565-57778834 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Rare:49
chr11:59545383-59545610 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Rare:56
chr11:59560942-59561034 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:24
chr11:61775711-61775956 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:2; Rare:44
chr11:63996850-63997116 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:2; Rare:71
chr11:65418696-65418954 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:2; Rare:48
chr11:65420014-65420187 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Rare:41
chr11:65421113-65421546 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Rare:88
chr11:65422187-65422483 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:114
chr11:65422666-65423006 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:2; Rare:103
  • Legend for epigenomic status:
  • K27ac K4me3 CTCF : Enriched for H3K27ac and DNaseI signal
  • K27ac K4me3 CTCF : Enriched for H3K4me3 and DNaseI signal
  • K27ac K4me3 CTCF : Enriched for CTCF binding signal
  • Legend for core promoter element:
  • I DPR TATA I DPR TATA : Found Initiator
  • I DPR TATA I DPR TATA : Enriched TATA box