
endothelial cell of umbilical vein(Human) | 24401 records |

Coordinate Validation Epigenomic status Core promoter element(s) Mutation TF registry
chr1:90927771-90928005 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:2; Rare:45
chr1:90993064-90993223 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Rare:24
chr1:91007294-91007330 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:2
chr1:91009932-91009981 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Rare:10
chr1:91012320-91012381 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Rare:12
chr1:92249593-92249805 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:28
chr1:92249970-92250000 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Rare:6
chr1:92275288-92275303 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Rare:2
chr1:92278998-92279159 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:3; Rare:23
chr1:92499388-92499447 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Rare:8
chr1:92524120-92524135 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Rare:2
chr1:92532809-92532994 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:2; Rare:30
chr1:92651314-92651458 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:2; Rare:19
chr1:92671466-92671702 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:40
chr1:92744915-92745091 K27ac K4me3 CTCF I DPR TATA I DPR TATA Common:1; Rare:29
  • Legend for epigenomic status:
  • K27ac K4me3 CTCF : Enriched for H3K27ac and DNaseI signal
  • K27ac K4me3 CTCF : Enriched for H3K4me3 and DNaseI signal
  • K27ac K4me3 CTCF : Enriched for CTCF binding signal
  • Legend for core promoter element:
  • I DPR TATA I DPR TATA : Found Initiator
  • I DPR TATA I DPR TATA : Enriched TATA box